Sunday, September 12, 2004

"What's A Sweetheart Like You Doing In A Dump Like This?"

So this week at work is going to be interesting to say the least. See, ESPN is going to be following some of our athletes around for some sort of documentary-type thing. That means they'll probably end up following someone into the Writing Center at some point...with TV cameras.

What this means is that we all have to be on our best behavior--it also means that most of the stuff I get done at work (such as comics, playing Gameboy, listening to music) can't be done. I should still be able to read, though, and do stuff on the computer. I'm wondering if I can somehow manage to get the Dim Bulb web address on camera. That'd be a fun way to bump traffic, wouldn't it?

I am curious if the folks from ESPN are going to try to interview any of us or anything. They're probably not allowed to by the NCAA, and I don't think I'd want to talk with them anyway, but you have to wonder, at least.


Song of the Moment: Bob Dylan, "Sweetheart Like You"

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