Wednesday, September 08, 2004

The Grossest Post Ever

Everything I've eaten today tastes like phlem.

I don't understand--why, when you're sick, does your body decide to produce more mucus? Whatever it was the mucus was supposed to stop has obviously made it inside your body, so isn't it sort of a moot point by then? I should not have to blow my nose every few minutes.

* * *

Brief pause there. Had to proofread a paper by my absolute favorite student-athlete. The man can barely construct a coherent sentence--in fact, he couldn't even manage that in this paper, and I told him as much. Being sick is nice, in a way, because I have an excuse for being an ass and not putting up with the crap this student in particular likes to dish up.

My throat feels like it's coated in some sort of cotton, or possibly sponge. It's annoying.

I'm off to go stew for a few more hours until I can go home and collapse in a twitching heap. Hurray for illness. Blarg.


Song of the Moment: Wallfowers, "The Bleeders"

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