Sunday, September 12, 2004

"Struggling To Do Everything Right"

Still at work, but less than an hour to go, so that's not so bad. Feeling very run-down, ready for the day to end. Not ready for tomorrow yet, though.

I haven't eaten anything substantial all day. I need to go to Wal-Mart and pick up a few things (milk, juice, etc.), but don't have the energy. The bottom of my left foot feels like it's bruised, and it hurts to walk or put any kind of pressure on it. All in all, I'm feelin' like crap right now.

I found something really amusing yesterday, and it's something I've yet to have a chance to discuss with Adam. See, he got Saturday's Troubled Times done and uploaded early. It was up by Friday morning. This is a rare occurance, to say the least. But then something happened with the automatic update for Keenspace, and Adam's comic did not appear until Sunday.

No matter what he tries, the comic still wants to be late. I can't help but laugh at that.


Song of the Moment: Bruce Springsteen, "Lucky Town"

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