Tuesday, September 14, 2004

"I'm Not That Person Anymore"

I'm reading The Screwtape Letters again. I never really finished them when I got the book several months ago, but the nice thing about the book is that you can pick up virtually anywhere in the middle of it and still be abel to follow along. There is a progression through the letters, and they are all connected in some fashion, but they are also quite independent and stand alone easily.

It's hard to believe that I've been writing and musing in this thing for almost a year now. I started it back last October as a way to collect my thoughts, gather my wits, and keep my friends informed on what was running through my mind (though they may not necessarily want to know). That's still my basic purpose, I guess. Writing down my thoughts and concerns here has become a part of my routine, and my day feels incomplete if I don't write something here. I'm not sure why this thing has become so important to me, or even whether or not there are many people out there reading it. I don't know why I feel the need to relate the everyday occurances of my life to the general public (even if the "general public" in this case is probably only a handful of my friends), but I've got this entertainer/educator/exhibitionist streak to me that I've never been able to fully explain anyway. Putting my psyche up on stage for any and all to see is probably just an extension of that.


Song of the Moment: Van Morrison, "Whinin' Boy Moan"

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