Sunday, July 18, 2004

"There's No One Laughing At Your Back Now"
And the second draft is done.  Finally.  Page total this time out was 31 in Times New Roman 12-Point Font.  That's an increase of probably about seven pages from where it stood in the previous draft (if you put the previous draft in Times New Roman, that is--that version was originally in Bookman Old Style, which is quite a big larger.  It was 28 pages in Bookman, and only about 24 in Times New Roman).  So yeah, there was quite a bit added.  I'm rather pleased with what I've put together here.  I just hope my advisor is.
I forgot to mention something earlier--when I was in the library, the microfilm machines didn't agree with me.  When the printer on the first one decided not to work for me anymore, the guy working in the Microform Room came over to work on it for me.  When he couldn't get it to work, I moved over to the next machine.  Then he got out the key to the printer for the one I had moved to, and let me make several copies for free (a copy usually costs 15 cents, or 10 if you use your student ID--SoonerCents, it's called).  So that was rather cool.
Anyway, it's printing off right now.  I've emailed my advisor his copy, but I'm hand-delivering a copy to Ev to proofread for grammatical stuff.  Come to think of it, I probably should have run spellcheck on the damn thing, especially since a good majority of it was written late tonight.  Argh.
Song of the Moment: Bob Dylan, "Most of the Time"

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