Tuesday, July 27, 2004

"Do You Think You Can Cope?"

So I was purusing the Webcomic List this morning before work, and I noticed that they've classified Dim Bulb now.  See, each comic is lumped into a genre or style, depending on subject matter and art style for the most case.

Now, of all the genres and groupings available, Dim Bulb somehow got put in Manga.  While I have nothing against manga (Japanese comic books)--in fact, I quite like it--Dim Bulb is not manga.  While both Adam and I have manga influences in our art, I follow a decidedly non-manga format (actually, I use a traditional American comic strip format--horizontal panels).  Adam tends to follow a more traditional American comic book style and format, even in Troubled Times, the only comic that could realy even be considered halfway manga.

I'm not really annoyed with the classification per se, but it strikes me as inaccurate.  Ev agrees with me--he thinks we're better defined as Quirky.  Anyway, I'll probably email the guy who runs the list sometime today and talk to him about it.  But Ev did have an interesting point when I discussed this with him--at least on the Internet, it seems anymore that a comic with any sort of action in it is automatically classified as "manga."  Of course, there is the whole chibi element that Adam kept throwing in for several pages in Troubled Times, but that's only one comic of the three on the site, and it's the one that's updated the least.  Ah well--like I said, I'll contact the list guy later today and see what I can do.


Song of the Moment: Matchbox 20, "Mad Season"

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