Saturday, January 01, 2005

"God Save The King Of New Orleans"

New Year's Eve ended up going different than I thought it would. For starters, I managed to lock myself out of the apartment. Thankfully, I'd just loaned Ev a copy of the apartment key, and he was able to come over and let me back in. After that, I went to hear my uncle play. Clif and my dad showed up too, and my dad informed me that mom wanted me to come home for New Year's dinner; I ended up driving back to Shawnee last night and spending the night there. Got up this morning, lounged around watching football and basketball all day, had dinner, then came back here.

One thing I didn't have this morning was a hangover, which I think means I didn't celebrate the New Year right or something. It makes me wonder, though--New Year's Day is the day of college football. There's like at least four or five games on, football literally all day. So why does this correspond with the day so many people have terrible hangovers? I mean, New Year's Eve, lots of drinking, almost guaranteed hangover the next day, right? And then you're supposed to watch lots of football, shout and cheer, etc.? Someone didn't think this through very clearly.

Borrowed John Lennon's Acoustic from my uncle this evening. It's...interesting. I'll gather my thoughts and present them in a more formal summation later, I promise.

I started reading Bob Dylan's Chronicles this evening. It's an excellent book, reading more like a novel than a biography. His descriptions of New York City, the people he meets, the places he's all got me in the mood to go listen to some Dylan.


Song of the Moment: John Lennon, "Real Love"

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