Tuesday, January 04, 2005

"Fighting For A Lost Cause"`

Yeah, I gave up on the football game at the end of the third quarter. OU was down 45-10, so there didn't really seem to be any reason to continue listening to the massacre. Honestly, you'd expect the #2 ranked team in the nation, with a former Heisman Trophy winner, to put up more of a fight. To actually play. Admittedly, the other big Oklahoma university, OSU, rolled over in the Alamo Bowl a week ago as well, but you'd think at least one of 'em would actually bother trying.

Funny thing is, I don't even really care about football. It just annoys me that a group of young men who're lionized and held up the way the football team is, who often think that school just gets in the way of their real purpose for being at college (i.e., playing football), would actually try harder. Hell, I think OU may develop a bit of a reputation as a team of choke artists.

On the positive side, I finished Chronicles, Volume 1. Brilliant book. Seeing all the influences that came together to even cause Dylan to start writing was great, and they all seemed to come from some pretty unexpected places (Woody Guthrie was obvious, of course, but Robert Johnson as well, and some song he'd heard in a play called "Pirate Jenny," which showed him the style of narratives he could write). He also compared the folk music scene in New York City, where he'd been living and playing comfortably since he arrived in the city, as Eden. And, just like the biblical paradise, he knew he had to leave it, had to strike out for something else that wasn't perfect. It was an interesting and thought-provoking analogy. Great book. Can't wait for the next volume.


Song of the Moment: Bob Dylan, "Let Me Die in my Footsteps"

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