Tuesday, February 08, 2005

"Rinse The Raindrops"

So it occurred to me that tomorrow is Ash Wednesday. In the liturgical calendar thing, this means something like the beginning of Lent.

Now granted, I'm not Catholic, and therefore not really beholden to practice Lent. I'm Presbyterian, there's nothing in the Bible that says we have to give up something for the next several weeks leading up to Easter, and so John Calvin and John Knox said we didn't have to do it. But something about the idea of Lent has always appealed to me. Maybe it's the notion of making your own little personal deal with God--I'll give up this thing which is dear to me, for You, 'cause You gave up something very dear for me. I think giving up some petty vice for 40 days isn't too difficult, do you?

Anyway, last year I gave up soda pop. It was great--I felt better, I think I lost a few pounds, and I saved some cash on the deal as well. Unfortunately, I got right back into the habit 'round about Finals Week of Spring, so it didn't last as long as I wanted. So I'm thinking of trying it again. It would really help with this whole weight loss thing, and I think I'd stick to it. Thing is, when I tell family or friends or even myself that I'm going to quit drinking soda, there's always a part of me going, "yeah right. They won't know if I sneak one, and I don't care if I do." Lying to human beings, though it's something I don't really like to do anymore, is still pretty easy; lying to one's God, well, that's a bit trickier, and I never feel comfortable doing it. There's just something intrinsically wrong with lying to God, I think. And rather ridiculous, too--I mean, it's not like God wouldn't know you're lying. Honestly.

So yeah, I'm going to give up soda pop for Lent. I just drank my last one, and I'm hoping that (after the headaches and withdrawals pass) I won't really miss it. I mean, c'mon, if my dad can give up his 20-odd year old 2 pot a day coffee habit, surely I can give up soda pop.


Song of the Moment: Paul McCartney, "Driving Rain"


Noise Monkey said...

Reminds me of the Applegeeks run where Hawk was fasting for Ramadan and being harrassed by a hallucination of a squirrel...good stuff...

Chuck Cottrell said...

The moment I start hallucinating, that's when I call it a day and crawl back into bed.