Friday, February 04, 2005

"Fallin' In Love Is So Hard On The Knees"

Okay, maybe not falling in love, but I managed to do something last night that really messed up my right knee. I was sitting at my computer after work last night, and I crossed my leg under me. Something went "pop," and my knee sorta went numb. When feeling came back, it came back with a sort of pain, a stiffness of the joint, and the annoyance that walking and riding the bike were gonna be difficult.

I'm not sure what brought this on, I'm not sure how long it'll last or what effect it'll have on my mobility. My leg supports my weight still, and it doesn't hurt to stand on it, just to bend it. My range of motion is pretty impaired--I can only comfortably bend it about half of my usual range of motion. It's rather frightening. If I can't move around freely, I can't get to work, I can't use my car (this is my right knee, after all, and I have to use my right foot for the gas and brake pedals), and...well, it just doesn't bear thinking about. I hope it doesn't get worse than it already is. I'm going to try to take it easy today, not put too much pressure on it. Might ice it when I get home, but I don't know yet.


Song of the Moment: Wilco, "In a Future Age"

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