Monday, February 14, 2005

"I Find My Brother In There"

So I got a call from Scott this evening. He wanted my opinion on which videogame he ought to play next (why he thinks I know what game he wants to play is beyond me). A call from one sibling usually heralds a call from the other, and sure enough, not fifteen minutes later, Clif called. He and I chatted about various things (school, music, and politics, mostly) for about 45 mintues or so, which was cool.

Work was pretty quiet tonight, which was nice. I brought my boombox and some CDs with me, so we got to kick back and enjoy some tunes for the 8 hours we were there. I'd try that again tomorrow, except that I doubt my boss would be too enamoured of Bob Dylan or Wilco, and it's really tough to carry the boombox on the bike.

Tomorrow is, of course, the Hallmark Holiday. Ev keeps telling me that the day actually has some real significance, but that's been buried beneath all the crap that today's consumer culture has built up around it. Stupid consumer culture.

Tomorrow also happens to be Ev's birthday. Out of respect for the elderly, I won't say how old he is. We'll just say he's one year closer to Senior Citizen's discount and leave it at that. :)


Song of the Moment: Blur, "Parklife"