Saturday, October 23, 2004

"I Need A Sign To Let Me Know You're Here"

Ev came over this afternoon and we watched a few more episodes of Trigun finally (we started watching Trigun about mid-July). We've got about six or seven left to watch, but who knows when we'll be able to catch those.

Debating whether or not to go home tonight. On the one hand, it means I don't have to get up early tomorrow and drive to Shawnee for the big family meal, and I'll get some laundry done. On the other, it means being at home tonight with little or nothing to do. I'm thinking I'll just suck it up and stay here tonight and do my own laundry sometime later this week.

OU Homecoming was today, and from the sound of things, OU wiped the floor with whoever it was we were playing (you think I paid that much attention? Come on). Things were pretty crowded, but it looks like most of the crowds have disipated now. I'm tempted to go to Wal-Mart, except that I don't really have suicidal tendencies (which is what a trip to Wal-Mart at this hour would require).


Song of the Moment: Ringo Starr, "Photograph"


Noise Monkey said...

Going to Wal-Mart at all is a sign of mental illness. I should know, being there nearly every day of the week...

Chuck Cottrell said...

Your daily presence at the monument to consumerism did play a small part in my beliefs about the place, I will admit...even if the Wal-Mart I'd have been visiting was in a completely different state from the one you work in.