Friday, October 15, 2004

"All The Blue Light Reflections"

Well, my test went well this morning. The multiple choice questions were ridiculously easy, and I rocked the essay like nobody's business (whish I'd had more time to go into more detail, though--she left the question open-ended enough that I could've written a book). Didn't do so hot on the identifies, but they were only worth 5 points each (and there were only four of them), and I know I got at least one completely nailed (to make up for the one that I completely bombed. The other two were mediocre, I'm sure).

Anyway, I'm getting myself all packed up, and should be heading Shawneeward here pretty soon. Then it's off to Arkansas for fun, excitement, marital events, and maybe a little Cross-Eyed Yeti reunion.

I only hope I can remember all the words.


Song of the Moment: Bob Dylan, "Girl from the North Country"

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