Tuesday, October 19, 2004

"My TV Set Just Keeps It All From Being Clear"

I proofread an accounting paper for my youngest brother last night. In a way, I really hate reading his papers, because he has just enough knowledge of grammar rules to be a decent writer and to argue with me about every single correction, even when I'm right.

See, he seems to think he knows everything, and wants me to explain the exact rule for each correction (because he doesn't always believe me when I say "this doesn't work"). But I don't really work that way--I have an intuitive understanding of grammar; not one based on a comprehensive knowledge of the rules, but rather based on what I can feel is the right way for the sentence to work.

Anyway, thankfully it was only a two-page paper, and we were done with making the corrections (all pretty much minor) within half an hour.

Then I slept in until about 11.00 this morning. I love my Tuesdays.


Song of the Moment: The Beatles, "Honey Don't"

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