Sunday, October 17, 2004

"Where The Winds Hit Heavy"

A year ago today, I began posting rubbish to this particular blog. I've made an average of a post a day, though by no means have I been that consistant. There were days when I posted two or three times, and there were weeks when I posted maybe once.

What's changed in that year? Not a whole lot, it looks like. I still talk about the same things now as I did when I first started--graduate school, my efforts to struggle with my Master's Thesis, unrequited love, trips to Ozarks and sundry other exotic locales, personal insights (though maybe "insights" is too strong of a word), stupid people, music (lots and lots of music), and the random stuff that's been going on in my life and the lives of those close to me.

Despite this superficial consistancy, much has changed below the surface. Who I am is still pretty much the same, but my attitudes and approaches to life have shifted subtlely. I'd be hard pressed to pinpoint exactly how or what, but I know I've altered in many ways.

I think I'm actually more at peace with myself than I used to be. Well, that's not entirely true, but I find it easier to find my center now than I did a year ago. I still wobble off-kilter occasionally, but I regain balance eventually.

All in all, I think this past year has been a rewarding experience, and I don't just mean the stuff I've been typing up for this blog. Life in general has been pretty good, despite money woes, love woes, motivational issues, and concerns about the future. Things are, on average, going well. Who knows where I'll in another year.


Song of the Moment: Bruce Springsteen, "Lucky Town"

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