Saturday, August 06, 2005

"One Day In A Nuclear Age"

This article from the L.A. Times about the 60th anniversary of Hiroshima is interesting. I remember reading a book about the Enola Gay exhibit controversy for my Historiography class at Ozarks a few years ago, and it's amazing how much folks fight over whether or not to allow certain interpretations of information, especially if the information is being restricted because it's not patriotic or approved by the powers that be (yeah, I know the Enola Gay stuff was going on under Clinton. I didn't say I particularly liked Clinton, did I? No. But at least he spent all his stupidity in personal relationship crap, not getting the country dragged into wars).

I did find it interesting that folks objected to portraying the Japanese as victims. I thought that's what civilians who were obliterated without warning were, though maybe that's just my naivite coming through again.


Song of the Moment: Son Volt, "Tear-Stained Eye"

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