Saturday, March 26, 2005

"He's Not Heavy, He's My Brother"

So I chatted on the phone with Clif a little this evening.

(A brief aside--isn't it strange that we live in a day and age when I have to indicate the method by which I chatted with my brother? Isn't it strange that computers have usurped the term "chat" and applied it to a communication system so completely unlike a telephone chat? I don't think these changes are inantely good or bad, they simply are. They're amoral in the truest philosophical sense of the term. Strange, huh?)

Anyway, Clif and I spent most of the time just jawing about music and guitar stuff. He's going to teach me a few more chords and some basic musical mechanics stuff when I go up to visit in April. He's also gonna get me a capo for my birthday, which should allow me to play a good half of Cross-Eyed Yeti's songs.

Tomorrow is, for those who didn't get the memo, my birthday. I turn the ripe ol' age of 25. I don't know that I always feel that old, though I think the fact that I spent a good part of the afternoon watching Ren & Stimpy might have something to do with that. But just maybe.


Song of the Moment: Old 97s, "Doreen"


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Chuck!

Chuck Cottrell said...

Thank'e. I'm sure I'll report on birthday loot and such tomorrow when I get home. Since my parents said something about taking me shopping after the dinner, I should end up with some cool stuff.

Anonymous said...

Chuck, have a happy birthday, ok? I hope your parents got you some cool stuff. When you are in Clarksville, come by and say hi, ok? Love ya!

Noise Monkey said...

Happy birthday in...5 minutes or so. I'd give you the customary "suck it" message, but I'm tired. 'Cause I'm old.

Anonymous said...

happy b-day as well. well... late b-day. 25 is not so old. take solice in knowing that you will always be younger than the monkey. -mon