Thursday, June 02, 2005

"We Work The Black Seam"

Just got my work schedule for June. It's...weird.

Next week, I'm scheduled to work 9.8 hours...yes, 9.8. Gretchen's got us scheduled in quarter and 1/3 hours and such at working 3.25 hours, or 3.33 hours, etc. It's weird. Then the next week, I work 30.85 hours, then 21 hours, then 10 hours. Grand total (assuming all my math's been right and I didn't mess something up somewhere, which is always possible) of 71.65 hours for the month of June. Before the spring semester let out, I was working more than that per pay period (i.e., every two weeks).

Admittedly, Gretchen's told us this is just the base schedule, the skeleton upon which we shall heap more and more hours and personnel, so there's a good chance I'll be working more than that. It's just that the next couple of paychecks are gonna be pretty lean, really. Thank God I've got some money saved back in my checking account, or I'd be in a pinch paying my last month's rent in July.

Funny, that--I have to pay rent only two more times (since I still need to pay this month's rent) at this apartment, and then I won't ever owe OU anymore money...though they've apparently already started asking me to donate money as an alumni. I knew this day would come, it just annoys me. I mean, haven't they taken enough of my money already?


Song of the Moment: The Eagles, "Best of my Love"

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