Wednesday, June 15, 2005

"Crumbs From The Table"

I've had a fairly accomplished afternoon. Went out for a late lunch with Audrey to a place called Jason's Deli (not sure if it's a chain or just a local-only place), where I had a baked potato the size of a small child covered in barbeque (both sauce and beef...mmm, barbeque beef) and cheese. I feel as though I shall never need to eat again.

After lunch, I came back and actually started going through boxes. I ended up with a large pile of crap I'm throwing away, and I cleared off two or three of the built-in bookshelves in my living room. The books from said shelves are now deposited in large tupperware bins for transport. There's still about two and a half shelves to clear off there, and then two or three other bookcases to clear out, but those will probably not be cleared for awhile (need more boxes. Must remember to pick those up at work this evening). I felt mighty productive after all that, because it meant I'd essentially gone through a whole closet's worth of boxes and consolidated/packed. Admittedly, all the other three closets in the apartment contain significantly more boxes and crap to go through than that closet did, and I still have all the rooms to go through, but hey, it's an accomplishment nonetheless.


Song of the Moment: Uncle Tupelo, "High Water"

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