Tuesday, June 28, 2005

"I Went Down To The Crossroads"

So, Clif and I settled on an exact, specific date for leaving for Virginia tonight: July 23.

This gives me time to get everything packed, stuff that I'm not taking stored (at a storage building which we still need to buy and set up at dad's office), take care of things like getting a trailer hitch and all, and work a bit before leaving. Plenty of time to work out the details (hotels, route, money, etc.) and maybe even get a couple of interviews set up (assuming I can ever get these applications out the door).

It's nice having a concrete, real date set. It's also kinda frightening. The voice of chaos in my head argues that there's no way I can get everything ready in that time. The voice of order says I can, so long as I stay on task.

That's when the voice of chaos snickers.

Anyway, it's scary and exciting all at once. We'll see what happens.


Song of the Moment: Tom Petty, "Hometown Blues"

1 comment:

Chuck Cottrell said...

Yeah, he's gonna help me move. Figured it was better than me driving for 21 hours completely by myself.