Friday, June 24, 2005

"Since I Found Serenity"

Just got back from watching the Firefly movie, Serenity, down in Dallas.

Lemme just say--wow. I know this isn't a final cut (though it's damn close), but that is one phenomenal film. I wasn't happy with some of the stuff that happens (no character is safe in the film, let's just put it that way), but it was still an excellent if dark continuation of the series, and it does a good job of answering most of the big questions from Firefly.

Of course, now I have to wait until September 30th to see it again. But I will, and I'll be dragging as many people along to see it as I can.

In other news, my foot was so sore Wednesday night that I didn't fall asleep until about 7.00 Thursday morning. However, the foot feels pretty good today. I'm still going to prop it up again tonight like I eventually did last night, but I'm starting out from a superior position tonight in terms of how the foot feels from the outset. I think I may be about back to normal, which is a good thing.

Well, off for bed. have to be at work at 8.00.


Song of the Moment: Firefly Theme


Anonymous said...

Since you'll be in "my territory" come September, I think it might be me guiding you to the theater, since I sure as hell want to see that movie too.

Oh, and I did I mention you're a bastard? ....grumble grumble...sees movie early...grumble. :-p


Noise Monkey said...

totally not fair. the last thing i saw early was mybirthday present from Andria. and i was the only one who cared about that.

ps...typing with one hand blows.