Monday, May 02, 2005

"Open The Door, Richard"

So I managed to lock myself out of the apartment this morning. Again. This is an annoying trend--I only locked myself out once in my first two and a half years there, and this is the second time I've managed it this semester. Blah.

On top of that, it's raining. Rain in and of itself wouldn't be so bad, except I don't own an umbrella and have to walk to work. Which sucks, lemme tell ya. At least it was cold, so wearing my jacket didn't get me overheated or anything.

This basically feels like one of those quintessential Mondays, the sort of days that make you want to just crawl back into bed and ignore the world.

Meh. On the positive side, I've decided I'm moving to Virginia. Just sorta...decided that last night. So yeah.


Song of the Moment: Old 97s, "Victoria"


Anonymous said...

Drop me a line when you get here. I'll help you move in...I got spare time. And I accept beer for payment. Cheap beer. :-p


Chuck Cottrell said...

Rock on, cheap labor! I can afford cheap beer (hell, can probably even pay my dad in it, too, now that I think about it).

Noise Monkey said...

Sounds like there was a rash of Mondayity today. I woke up to a flat tire, got my hours cut at work (again) and spent most of my time cleaning up crap I couldn't help but destroy.

Yay for monday.