Saturday, December 27, 2003

"I Will Go Down With This Ship"

Well, I watched Pirates of the Caribbean this evening with my parents and grandparents. I'd never seen the movie before, oddly enough, but I'd heard very good things about it from everyone I talked to, so I asked for it (and received it) for Christmas. We watched it on the DVD player my parents bought my grandparents for Christmas. Very quality flick, I decided. The CGI was just right; had they used the moonlight/undead effect any more than they did, it would have been too much, and any less would have been pointless. But as it stands, they did it just right. Mom did bring up one glaring plothole, though--if Jack Sparrow had been carrying around that pistol for 10 years, and it had gotten wet several times, how in the world did it still fire? Water would have rendered the powder useless, not to mention the effect salt water has on metal. Ah well--it was still a fun movie, with great performances all around (though Johnny Depp steals the show, of course).

Clif, Scott, and I went bowling this afternoon. I've been bowling twice in the past few weeks, though before that I hadn't been bowling in a year or two I think. I didn't do very well either time--last time, with Jess, Dom, and Beth, I bowled consistently in the 70-90 range. Today, I bowled in the 70-90 range. I may suck, but at least I suck consistently.

I also played some basketball today. A couple of games of Twenty-one, both of which Clif won, and a little one-on-one with Scott, which I won. The freethrow contest we had afterwards we've both vowed to never speak of again, because it was simply embarassing for all involved.

Anyway, not much of excitement or note going on up here in Ponca City. We're heading home tomorrow, from the sound of it. I'm actually going to go to church on Sunday for the first time since my pastor retired several months ago. We apparently have a woman interum pastor, which has led to problems not within the congregation, but with the praise band we had playing at our early morning services (because they were Baptist and apparently did not like the idea of a woman holding a position of authority in the much so that they'd leave the room when she was preaching, which we thought was rather tacky. But they've left now, so it's all a moot point). Sometime middle of next week, I'll head back to Norman, where I can resume more regular internet access. Oh, to have high-speed internet again. The first thing I'm going to do is download music. Not because I'm in desperate need of new music, but just because I can.

~chaos cricket

Song of the Moment: None, and I'm really starting to miss music

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