Tuesday, July 05, 2005

"You Gave Me Babies"

So I woke up this morning to the telephone ringing. Seems it was Dom, calling to tell me of something momentous: Jessica had a healthy baby boy last night, July 4, at 10.20 pm.

This is exciting and somewhat strange, considering they are the first of my close friends and age peers to have a child. Hell, they now are married, own a house, and have a kid--they're like freakin' grownups. And me...well, not quite so grown up yet.

But I'm happy for them. I'm gonna meet the tyke on Thursday sometime. It'll be a neat experience. maybe I can manage to get some pictures taken.

Also got a call today from my mother. Seems she, my father, and my grandparents were in Helena, Montana, and she finally had cell phone reception (said she didn't have any at all while they were in Canada...what with all the mountains and being in a national park and all). They're enjoying themselves, it seems, and they'll be back this weekend. I'll probably have to go home and visit next week. Dad gave Clif and I permission to buy t-shirts and whatnot at the concert tomorrow night (that sounds weird. It's more like he said he'd reimburse us if we bought t-shirts. Free concert t-shirts are always a good thing). Rana has informed me (last I spoke with her, on Sunday, that is) that she'll be accompanying us come hell or high water. Since this is Oklahoma in July, either is a distinct possibility.

Called up a car dealership today as well and made arrangements to have a new bug shield put on my vehicle. They'll do that Thursday morning while I'm in Shawnee, so that's cool.

Anyway, need to go find mom's birthday present before I go to work this evening. My brothers and I know what we want to get her, it's just a matter of finding it.


Song of the Moment: Carl Perkins, "Blue Suede Shoes"

1 comment:

Noise Monkey said...

Good news. We have hell reserved here in Arkansas through at least August. You're on your own with the high water, though.