Monday, November 29, 2004

"Blinded By The Light"

I should have taken advantage of the great weather we had this weekend and done some jogging. As it is, things are supposed to get cold and nasty starting today/tomorrow/whatever time period we're going in to.

Oh well. I've always preferred, in a strange way, cold weather running. I'm not fond of sweating.

Starting a new storyline over at Dim Bulb today (why am I turning that into a link? It's not like 90% of the people who read this don't already visit the site or didn't happen to come here from the site). The story (or at least the first several strips) are actually semi-autobiographical, and reflect a relationship thing that I was involved in during the fall semester of my senior year at Ozarks (I'm sure Adam recalls the whole debacle, as he was also involved--although only tangentially--in the affair as well). Anyway, it'll stay sorta real life for a little over two weeks, then veer off into total fantasy as I tell Tammy the Succubus's origin story (it's a series I did back when Crooked Halo was something I just emailed to a group of people three or four years ago, but I like the story a lot, I think it's pretty damn funny, and it gives the character some depth and screen time). So yeah, I've got basically the rest of 2004 plotted out. Booyah.

Anyway, bedtime. Hafta wake up early tomorrow and return to the grind. Ugh, the stupid, stupid grind.


Song of the Moment: U2, "Miracle Drug"


Noise Monkey said...

For the record, it'll probably be halfway through the story or more before I remember any of it. Granted, my memory isn't so good, so there probably isn't any reason I wouldn't remember it except that...

Chuck Cottrell said...

It's the stuff with Nicole. Trust me, when you see the autobiographical stuff, you'll recognize it.

Ruth said...

Enjoyed your blog - and your web comics links. Am working on a comic strip myself...Also used to be a musician, but no longer play or perform due to a spinal cord injury ten or so years loking around to see if you have links to any music tracks of your songs....
take care...

Chuck Cottrell said...

Ruth, I'm glad you like my stuff. We used to have some of the songs available online, but the website that hosted them went belly-up and I haven't gotten around to finding somewhere else to host them (only partially true--I found a new place, signed up for it, and just haven't gotten around to uploading songs. I'm a lazy, lazy man).

Anyway, when you get your comic up and running, let me know, I'd love to check it out.

Anonymous said...

Dear Dear Chuck,

Why must you dredge up yucky old memories such as Nicole? Have you nothing better to write about? Tsk, tsk.
