Saturday, June 02, 2007

"Who Drove The Red Sports Car?"

Things that have happened today:

1. My in-laws' planned visit was pushed from this evening to tomorrow afternoon, which gives us more time to prepare the apartment for their arrival.

2. I finally went to to the eye doctor and got contacts and new glasses. I'd almost forgotten what it was like having peripheral vision and not having to clean my damn glasses every ten minutes.

3. My knee (the one I hyper-extended a few weeks ago playing kickball with my students) is really hurting today. Michelle thinks I have fluid in there that needs to be drained off, but I figure that it would've been a problem long before now if that were the case. I have limited bending and full-but-painful rotation on the knee, it supports my weight, and it's a little inflamed around the offending joint. Also, it mostly hurts just above the knee and along the outside of the kneecap. Dunno if this is just part of the hyper-extension still healing up or something else, but it got so bad that I could barely get in and out of my car after my eye appointment.

Only a little over two weeks left of school. I have to say I'm glad it's reaching the end of the year, though I'd love to get farther in the curriculum for U.S. History and I'd love to have more time to cover music in Humanities. World History II ought to fit just about right, though I'm gonna have to rush the post-WWII stuff a bit (that's mostly just the collapse of imperialism, as far as the curriculum is concerned, so it shouldn't be that tough).

I will be sad to see some of the seniors leaving, I'll admit. They've been a good crop, and though I only have a few of them in my classes, I've enjoyed it.


Song of the Moment: Neko Case, "Timber"


Noise Monkey said...

Have ya actually seen a doctor or are you just making it up as you go? If so, I'll start hunting down discount prosthesis outlets in your area.

Chuck Cottrell said...

Here's the thing: the hyper-extension (if that's even what happened) occurred three weeks ago. The knee hurt for part of that first week, but has been basically fine since then. It just started hurting like hell out of the blue yesterday. Today it's feeling much better. Tomorrow? We'll have to see.

If this becomes a chronic problem, I'll see someone about it. But I think that if I just take it easy for a few days and lose some weight, the knee won't be a problem.