Wednesday, November 26, 2008

"We've Got A Lot To Be Thankful For"

It's nice to finally have a break, though it's not nearly as long a break as I'd like. It also seems as though, given all of the social obligations Michelle and I have this weekend, we'll be even busier on our days off than we would be going to work. I think I'll need a vacation from my vacation.

A Wednesday afternoon nap and a nice, relaxing evening here at the house have done wonders for my mental health. The cat and I are currently sequestered on the couch, though I think the cat is quite a bit more comfortable than I am.

Our fish keep having babies. There's at least two dozen fish in the tank now, possibly topping 30 even. We think the male fish is the one that has a broken swim bladder (a condition which makes it impossible for him to float, so he tends to sink to the bottom of the tank. This apparently does not prevent him from gettin' it on with the ladies.


Song of the Moment: Glen Phillips, "Thankful"

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