Monday, October 10, 2005

"If Not For You, My Sky Would Fall"

So I lost all the kids I'm tutoring now through Vienna. The first kid's mother decided he didn't really need the tutoring after all back a couple of weeks ago, and the mother of the other two kids decided today that she didn't think they needed it, either (or that the one who did need help didn't need subject tutoring, just a little organizational help every day).

Part of me really doesn't mind, but another part of me is kinda miffed. First, because I'm now not getting paid to tutor those kids. But that's not as much an issue, since I've already emailed them about tutoring someone else who needs writing help (and that will be a major endeavour akin to what I just spent seven years doing at Ozarks and OU).

The bigger issue is that I feel like I've just been discarded after my usefulness ended. I mean, I got those kids organized. I introduced a half dozen strategies for each of them, strategies which they are using to keep organized. I know part of me should feel good, 'cause I did my job correctly: they're organized now, they're staying on top of everything, etc. But a bigger part of me feels like they just took what they needed from me and then did a runner. Feels a bit exploitative, really.

Anyway, I'm not too worried about it. Just with the few hours I did tutor those three kids, I made over $350. The way I figure it, if I can get even two or three hours a week with this stuff, I've got gas paid for, easy.


Song of the Moment: Barenaked Ladies, "Light Up My Room"


Noise Monkey said...

at least they could've baked you a pie!

Chuck Cottrell said...

No kidding. I mean, a single pie would not have been too much to ask, I don't think.

Noise Monkey said...

It's a cruel, cruel world, man. Never enough pie around...

Noise Monkey said...


Anonymous said...

"The bigger issue is that I feel like I've just been discarded after my usefulness ended. . . . a bigger part of me feels like they just took what they needed from me and then did a runner. Feels a bit exploitative, really."

I know quite intimately how you feel, only at least you received some money for it. All I received was claims of friendship which were withdrawn the moment I ceased to be useful. If I'd known then what I know now, I don't think I would have made a single alleged friend in Oklahoma, only clients. Then I would have have wound up with something at least.

As for the empty nest syndrome: every teacher suffers it. It gets better. It never gets gone.