Tuesday, April 03, 2007

"You are certainly doomed by my math!"

Getting ready to have a Meeting of the Parents (TM) dinner. It should be...interesting, to say the least, what with Michelle's very New York parents and my very Midwestern father and his girlfriend (whom I keep accidentally calling "Vicky" instead of "Vivian." She seems to find it funny, at least).

We spent the day in DC doing the tourist thing. Dad and Vivian seemed to enjoy themselves, and we walked a good 4 miles.

Bizarre moment of the day: explaining to my father how iTunes worked and why it was important to have almost 30 days' worth of music on my computer.

In case I, y'know, want to sit in a room for a month straight and never sleep and do nothing but listen to music. Yeah.

We're off! Wish me luck.


Song of the Moment: White Stripes, "Hotel Yorba (Live)"

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