Tuesday, April 12, 2005

"Biker Like An Icon"

So my bike seat broke today. I was riding along on my way to work, and the seat just sorta...gave out.

See, the seat is on a pair of rails which are held to the rest of the bike via a pair of metal plates. A couple of months ago, when I had an accident (ice + bike = pain), the bottom plate got messed up. See, the two plates are bolted together through the middle to the bike frame. The bottom plate has (or rather, had, now) an oval-shaped hole in the middle to allow the bolt through. The back half of the plate got broken somehow in the accident, which meant that the plate started slipping around all the time (hence the problems I've been having with keeping my bike seat from being wobbly). Well, the front half of the plate gave out this evening, and the bottom plate just sorta snapped in half.

So either the bottom plate wasn't structurally sound enough with the back half already broken, or my ass is way too heavy. Either way, it means my bike is out of commission until I can go to a repair shop and get this fixed. And of course this had to happen the night before I have my early shift at work, so I'll have to freakin' walk to work at like 7.30 in the morning. *grumble grumble grumble*

Just ignore me, I'm annoyed by this.


Song of the Moment: Ryan Adams, "Answering Bell"

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