Wednesday, July 14, 2004

"Right Now All I Got's This Lonesome Day"

Well, with Everett's help, I've managed to turn a so-so introduction into a strong paragraph that actually sets up my argument clearly and effectively. I'm glad to have that taken care of, because Lord knows it was creating a huge mental block and preventing me from writing anything else.

I'm sitting here at work, operating on about an hour's worth of sleep (sometime between 8.00 and 9.00 o'clock this morning), and trying to concentrate long enough to type up some research notes. I've got a couple of my books with me, and I've realized there's some other stuff I need to look up (need to find Hobbes's Leviathan, maybe some Lockean social contract theory, and a couple of other things), but for the most part all I need to do is look through my new research, and then write. Writing will actually be the easy part now. I'll probably even be excising a few sections of the original text, because the stuff is irrelevant to my central argument, or because I don't like what I've got. We'll just have to see.

After work, I'm going home to catch a few hours of sleep, then it's back to work on the thesis. I'm determined to have this thing done by Friday. I will have this thing done Friday.

I have to, really.

~chaos cricket

Song of the Moment: XTC, "Senses Working Overtime"

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