Sunday, October 19, 2003

"Call Me Up In Dreamland"

Huzzah for research, y'know? It's virtually all I've done today--research for my Master's Thesis, or research for my 19th Century Europe paper. It seems like that's all historians do sometimes is dig through archives and look for that one single, solitary source that will make or break their work, that will clench their position in the pantheon of great historians whose names are mentioned with awe, admiration, and great respect. You will never find the name Stephen Ambrose among those names, I can guarantee it.

Ambrose was the devil, plain and simple, because he pretended to be a historian when he was really just a plagiarist. But damn, he was a popular one. Really, I could have dealt with his crap if it weren't for the fact that the uneducated masses usually saw him as the representative of the historical profession. Most historians just saw him as an ass.

I wouldn't mind being as popular as he was, though. Granted, I think there's probably very little chance of that. Too limited an interest group for early modern British cultural and religious history. Ah well. That's why I do the comics and writing and songs. I want to be famous, or at least moderately well-known, to the point where someone might send me a random email or something saying, "hey, I saw your comic/short story/mp3, and thought it was great!" That's really my goal, I think.

On a slightly related note, go check out The Jaded, a very nifty webcomic by a wonderful young lady named Ping. It's a very well-done comic art and story-wise, and she's also one of the nicest random people I've ever met. She's actually helping us out with the archives at the Dim Bulb site, and not because she expects anything in least, she hasn't asked for anything in return...

Oh, and this is the fourth time I've written out this damn post. If it doesn't work this time, to hell with it.

~chaos cricket

Song of the Moment: Van Morrison, "Wonderful Remark"

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